


A number of digital components for all scottish services

The project known now as ScotAccount — working title Confirm Who You Are — was a series of Digital Service components disguised as a single service.

It comprised;

  • A digital account; a universal login whereas users can log in, with all its trivial usgaes like reset password, 2FA, etc
  • An identity verifier: a third party plug-in that checks the users’ identify, if needed, with AI photo matching a goverment issued ID to a live photo.
  • A data vault: to save the verified status, so that the user doesn’t need to do again when sharing their status with a service.

As the Lead Service Designer I organised and designed 3 strategic digital reusable service components for the entire country of Scotland, with components that will be potentially used inside over 400 public services. I worked from Discovery to Beta, being successfully assessed by the Scottish Government Digital team.

Always supported by user research, technical and business needs, and an expert group, I facilitated and led many discussions. I mapped the whole service, online and offline, including its user experience and all edge cases.

This “service” had a few unique traits. Some user needs weren’t known by our users. They were known by the expert group, as data protection and control are too new to be widely known.

The second was that our service was producing components that would be re-used by all other Scottish services, so they were our clients too. I was on a sub-team that had to speak to many of these services. We needed to capture their needs, and manage their expectations and technical questions.

Above is the service Blueprint with user needs, pain points and technical limitations and requirements.

This project culminated with a talk I gave at the Service Design in Gov, September 2022.

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